eye catching, surprised, startled, uplifting, action, shoe, result announcement, forward, move on, courage, nervous, tense, surprise, hitting, hit, correct, success, scene transition, dread, scary, astonishment, exciting, climax, shock, jingle, shear, light, fight, schwarz, powerful, attack, sticker, investigation, a shower, goose bumps, private detective, battle, detective, image, start sound, ad, game, corporate vp, shooting game, select, victory0:0000:00
eye catching, jahn, the end, end, jagian, guan, dawn, attack, result announcement, scene transition, bright, wipe, goodbye, see you, action, success, start-up, start sound, jingle, sticker, game complete, quiz, quiz show, game over, puzzle game, image, rpg0:0200:00
chaka khan, chakachachan, chakatune, chakachaga, jaca jahn, jahn, churn, chukchutune, chuk tune, jagian, success, select, flash, surprised, game over, quiz, correct, result announcement, startled, clearly, start sound, scene transition, picoon(correct), game, hope, jingle, wow wah, wow, keen(glitter), cool, kirakira(twinkle), peen, tune, pet, light, quiin(glitter), ray, sun, appearance, electric guitar, quiz game, attack, sticker, level up, guitar, game complete, shooting game, puzzle game, eye catching0:0200:00
kuang, keen(glitter), wah, wow, wow wah, quiin(glitter), hyuun(zoom), quiz, kiran(twinkle), cucumber, chaka kyun, kyon, result announcement, scene transition, clearly, startled, jingle, attack, sticker, pew, queue, hue, uwan, hyun, guachon, furnished, warn, kiraan(twinkle), start sound, falling, electric guitar, guitar, pune, event, level up, game complete, game over, correct, shooting game, quiz game, card battle, rpg, action, puzzle game, apps, image, eye catching, alarm, robot0:0400:00
jahn, appearance, startled, clearly, surprise, achievement, start, start sound, success, correct, victory, select, incorrect, guan, jagian, quiz game, jingle, attack, game, amazed, sticker, beginning, bang(shooting), jan, quiz, event, result announcement, scene transition, shock, strike, uplifting, fail, climax, positive, game over, level up, shooting game, slash, game complete, eye catching, wipe, card battle, battle, action, puzzle game, image, magic, dawn0:0300:00
startled, juice harp, clearly, comedy, zucco, a fall, sound effect, boyoyon, boyan, bayong, bjorn, event, comical, incorrect, quiz, short comedy, comedian, variety, guachon, apps, entertainer, strike, game over, falling, magic, game complete, shooting game, percussion instrument, horror game, shock, quiz game, card battle, battle, slash, machine, fantasy, touch, click, button, cancel, action, puzzle game, swipe, rpg, scene transition, result announcement, robot, for music production0:0200:00
startled, surprised, disappointing, resemblance, juice harp, surprise, comedy, variety, comical, entertainer, fail, incorrect, boyoyon, bayong, boyan, bjorn, guachon, short comedy, quiz, game over, event, comedian, falling, scene transition, game, level up, click, cancel, button, game complete, puzzle game, magic, shooting game, power spring, horror game, quiz game, card battle, battle, rpg, action, apps, touch, swipe, eye catching, robot, start-up, result announcement, image, for music production0:0100:00
alarm, correct, success, hit, quiz, achievement, electronic sound, piyopiyo, picon(computing) , door bell, event, chime, buzzer, result announcement, eye catching, picoon(correct), game, pillow, scene transition, jingle, attack, sticker, piropiro, select, level up, game complete, quiz game, card battle, action, puzzle game, shooting game, click, touch, button, apps0:0100:00
japanese style, wa(japanese culture), koto (instrument), new year, japanese music, kiran(twinkle), wipe, glittering phosphorus, kirakira(twinkle), shakiin(glitter), select, result announcement, quiz, start, success, scene transition, jingle, clear, sticker, chareen, attack, end, correct, start sound, kiraan(twinkle), shararan(sparkle), polon, event, level up, polo polo, game, eye catching, quiz game, game complete, puzzle game, shooting game, card battle, button, magic, click, fantasy, startled, battle, touch, apps, wedding, rpg0:0500:00
boyan, boyoyon, bourne, comical, incorrect, fail, laugh, faux pas, laughing, dawn, jingle, mistake, stupidity, bitter smile, attack, scene transition, zucco, sticker, wipe, quiz, ending, game, result announcement, anime, variety, game over, eye catching, shooting game, strike, card battle, falling, dadeen, magic, puzzle game, apps, touch, click, button, cancel, shock, slash, payong, don(explosion), comedy, rpg, battle0:0500:00
fade in, shoe, hyuun(zoom), a shoe, surprise, startled, surprised, cold, chill, keen(glitter), goose bumps, jingle, dread, comet, shooting star, space, ufo, sticker, attack, okehit, horror, suspense, hit, scary, falling, to pale, passing through, wipe, ice, water, strings, hyun, scene transition, start sound, select, quiz game, fantasy, swipe, thinking time, image, result announcement, nature, vehicle, quiz, rpg, game0:0600:00
fade in, hyuun(zoom), hyon, a shoe, kyon, shoe, quiin(glitter), keen(glitter), surprise, surprised, reminisce, anxiety, magic, cold, memories, memory, awareness, awakening, dread, winter, freeze, scary, goose bumps, falling, incorrect, shock, scene transition, quiz, eye catching, ice, game over, horror game, startled, game, battle, action, fantasy, puzzle game, robot, image, combat, war, rpg, machine0:0900:00
cold, pain, sad, fail, scary, silence, dark, dread, solid, hyuun(zoom), hyon, disappointment, shoe, night, quiet, a downtrend, winter, goose bumps, freeze, keen(glitter), ice, quiin(glitter), autumn, falling, thinking time, scene, incorrect, rain, image, scene transition, water, machine, robot, horror game, quiz, electronic sound, game, game over, fantasy, apps, rpg0:0600:00
jingle, cute, soft, romantic, pain, gentle, sticker, attack, ending, opening, scene transition, anxiety, cosy, slowly, farewell, lonely, reminisce, memories, broken heart, unrequited love, colon, corocoro, kirakira(twinkle), relax, elegant, polon, wipe, rain, nature, water, appearance, event, wedding, fantasy, thinking time, image, for music production0:1000:00
okehit, jan, kyon, jahn, bang(shooting), group, shock, wipe, surprise, surprised, scene transition, startled, correct, action, attack, ending, sticker, eye catching, select, shu(swishing), start-up, result announcement, quiz, a van, don(explosion), battle, magic, strike, game complete, level up, quiin(glitter), start sound, don, game, kyun, shooting game, quiz game, card battle, rpg, puzzle game, apps, touch, click, slash, button, combat, fanfare, race, image0:0600:00
drum, dodosco, dada, jingle, sticker, attack, scene transition, wipe, dandan, shock, action, surprised, surprise, dodon, steadily, don(explosion), percussion instrument, correct, more and more, light(sprightly), don dong, side dish, fill in, start sound, select, level up, game complete, shooting game, quiz, quiz game, card battle, battle, game, rpg, event, puzzle game, apps, touch, click, button, race, image, result announcement, startled, eye catching, combat, strike, war, machine0:0500:00
zune, dawn, don(explosion), guan, bang(shooting), gone, fail, defeat, heavy, dark, appearance, game over, machine, shock, dewar, jahn, surprise, magic, ufo, wipe, anxious, space, robot, scene transition, falling, combat, tense, result announcement, battle, goose bumps, pale, go, gar, facial pallor, game, quiz, electronic sound, strike, shooting game, rpg, horror game, action, fantasy, image, slash0:0600:00
jan, jahn, dawn, don(explosion), guan, can, bang(shooting), kyon, jagian, don, correct, wipe, eye catching, game over, earthquake, action, select, thunder, magic, quiz, level up, explosion, shooting game, incorrect, startled, shock, falling, scene transition, strike, slash, game, event, horror game, quiz game, card battle, battle, result announcement, game complete, puzzle game, robot, war, combat, race, apps, rpg, touch, button, image, fantasy, click0:0500:00
a shower, dewar, schwarz, juwah, shoe, kuang, hyuun(zoom), shu(swishing), tense, dread, appearance, quiin(glitter), hyun, keen(glitter), event, quiz, game, start sound, select, falling, robot, machine, shock, eye catching, startled, level up, countdown, scene transition, game complete, race, shooting game, game over, magic, horror game, quiz game, card battle, battle, action, puzzle game, apps, touch, click, thinking time, image, combat, explosion, slash, war, fantasy, rpg0:0300:00
dardan, darn, dawn dawn, dawn, bang(shooting), burn burn, don dong, dandan, dodon, don(explosion), steadily, guan, percussion instrument, dadeen, jagian, quiz, shock, strike, slash, falling, result announcement, scene transition, battle, eye catching, startled, incorrect, game, war, combat, game over, select, explosion, level up, magic, earthquake, shooting game, horror game, quiz game, card battle, rpg, action, puzzle game, apps, touch, click, button, cancel, race, image0:0500:00