corporate vp, eye catching, jingle, sound logo, news, program, refreshing, transparency, cleanliness, morning, early morning, sunny, weather forecast, weather, fresh, soft, convert, beginning, neat, beautiful, bright, relax, pop, piano, relief , wind chime, future, sensation of coolness, radio, broadcast, dream, hope, news report, kirakira(twinkle), shararan(sparkle), event, quiz, wedding, quiz game, apps, puzzle game, fantasy, image, action, rpg, battle, card battle, shooting game, horror game0:0400:00
chime, notification sound, discovery, start sound, start, completed(mission, game), item, chilarine, telop, treasure chest, kiraan(twinkle), awareness, notice, locate, i found it, bright, kiran(twinkle), positive, kirakira(twinkle), pop, cute, refreshing, invention, flash, alarm, ringtone, starting sound, eye catching, commentary, annotation, point, description, suspense, tips, correct, event, quiz, level up, shooting game, horror game, quiz game, action, rpg, battle, card battle, fantasy, puzzle game, apps, electronic sound0:0300:00
chime, end, descent, announcement, broadcast, in the hall, broadcasting room, school broadcasting, town broadcasting, convert, expansion, finish, the end, information center, information chime, departure, notice, business contact, guide, lost child, department store, commercial facility, shopping mall, station, inside, airport, home, departure melody, station melo, bell, piano, soft, gentle, relax, event, game, game over, quiz game, card battle, puzzle game, apps, image, scene transition, eye catching, call, miss uguisu, radio, alert0:0500:00
chime, bell, notice, announcement, convert, short, end, telop, annotation, information chime, on-site broadcasting, school broadcasting, rising, start, one point, commentary, presentation, corporate vp, station, departure melody, inside, airport, shopping mall, department store, station melo, gentle, piano, store, in-store, event, game, image, scene transition, broadcasting room, receptionist, information center, general information, lost child, facility, arrival, approaching train, metro, railway, simple, radio, switching, jingle, apps0:0400:00
chime, short, guide, broadcast, in the hall, information chime, station, notice, end, annotation, telop, jingle, convert, expansion, switching, soft, gentle, receptionist, departure, inside, inside school, broadcasting room, train, metro, railway, department store, shopping mall, in-store, business contact, notification, call, airport, departure melody, announcement, miss uguisu, event, image, corporate vp, scene transition, refreshing, beautiful, cleanliness, relax, cosy, slowly, puzzle game, apps, station melo, arrival0:0600:00
chime, soft, piano, music box, bell, kirakira(twinkle), departure, arrival, information chime, guide, notice, ending, department store, business contact, in-store, broadcast, broadcasting room, departure melody, school, school broadcasting, station, home, inside, train, boarding, event, game, miss uguisu, information, receptionist, window, airport, railway, facility, commercial facility, shopping centre, refreshing, pop, cute, cleanliness, corporate vp, announcer, announcement, scene transition, image, gorgeous, gentle, transparency0:1000:00
chime, departure melody, notice, broadcast, on-site broadcasting, guide, guidance, beautiful, soft, gentle, kirakira(twinkle), information, broadcasting room, business contact, lost child, shopping centre, commercial facility, miss uguisu, announcement, announcer, information chime, school broadcasting, departure, station, arrival, airport, inside, home, cleanliness, train, metro, railway, bell, refreshing, school, receptionist, general reception, general information, expansion, convert, corporate vp, presentation, electronic sound, game complete, scene transition, game, event, quiz, in-store, for business0:1300:00
chime, bell, kirakira(twinkle), soft, departure, on-site broadcasting, broadcast, information chime, information, guide, general information, receptionist, information center, notice, notification, in-store, school, station, home, inside, shopping centre, department store, announcement, miss uguisu, corporate vp, introduction, refreshing, cleanliness, metro, train, electronic sound, lost child, event, image, game, call, facility, airport, broadcasting room, business contact, contact, supermarket, commercial facility, marimba, xylophone, apps, venue, gentle0:1300:00
eye catching, energetic, variety, pop, scene transition, cute, comical, enjoy, toy, kids, expansion, convert, switching, sound logo, horn, telop, notification, notice, subtitles, commentary, point, description, pause, button, apps, bright, display, narration, short, puzzle game, fantasy, card battle, battle, rpg, quiz game, shooting game, fanfare, image, game, level up, correct, event, quiz, stop, soft, click0:0100:00
success, completed(mission, game), end, sound logo, eye catching, completion, passed, game complete, good job, happy, get, treasure chest, item, done, goal, orchestra, orchestra hit, okhi, convert, correct, level up, pizzicato, pitch cart, violin, cello, ending, fanfare, finish, bright, refreshing, pop, energetic, good night, puzzle game, fantasy, event, select, quiz game, game, action, rpg, battle, card battle, apps, scene transition, telop, shooting game, horror game0:0300:00
success, level up, completed(mission, game), get, game complete, item, treasure chest, important, telop, passed, sound logo, winning, eye catching, hit, orchestra, okhi, fanfare, end, strings, energetic, vigorous, pop, jingle, orchestra hit, correct, orchestral hit, convert, win, victory, congratulation, congrats, result announcement, scene transition, battle, event, quiz, game, quiz game, shooting game, card battle, fantasy, puzzle game, apps, rpg, action, string, cello, violin, classic, cute0:0200:00
pause, annotation, telop, point, description, commentary, select, button sound, configuration, set sound, discovery, item, mounting, equipment, get, treasure chest, game, youtube, start sound, stop, start, pico, a click, pop, cute, refreshing, picon(computing) , eye catching, subtitles, warning, notice, awareness, flash, idea, shooting game, horror game, quiz game, action, rpg, battle, card battle, fantasy, puzzle game, apps, button0:0200:00
opening, trailer, announcement, forecast, movies, vigorous, slash, start, shock, strike, title, flash, title back, transition, beginning, a title, reverse, don, reverse playback, pressure, impact, landing, speedy, speeding, rpg, battle, horror game, action, fantasy, eye catching, shooting game, sound logo, card battle, apps, scene transition, image, stress, serious, synthesizer, sfx, expansion, to press, impersonate, game, ad, advert, promotion0:0700:00
announcement, sound logo, eye catching, start, reverse sound, sfx, opening, reverse, trailer, cinematic, movies, title, a title, title back, epic, beginning, forecast, intro, reverse playback, pressure, vigorous, don, horror game, impact, rpg, transition, action, battle, flash, fantasy, puzzle game, apps, shooting game, game, image, appearance, to press, impersonate, dawn, strike, shock, slash, coming soon, speeding, stress, tense, serious, electronic sound0:0800:00
cry, zombie, beat, voice, boss, dinosaur, monster, creature, a game, gyao, goo, gugo, guo, gow, gururururu, angry, destruction, horror, psyc, science fiction, shooting game, horror game, battle, rpg, action, fight, giant, huge, giant creatures, alien, beast, animal, fierce, atrocious, undead, dead person, corpse, apps, card battle, fantasy, apparition, scary, dread, anxiety, ruins, deserted house, ghost, supernatural0:0500:00
monster, dinosaur, horror, dread, psyc, splatter, zombie, ghost, giant, action, rpg, battle, horror game, fantasy, goo, gao, go, scary, undead, corpse, enemy, boss, ruins, deserted house, hazard, apps, combat, voice, roar, groan, groovy voice, cry, cry(roar, chirp), animal, fierce, atrocious, the grim reaper, devil, angry, science fiction, attack, large monster, beast, card battle, demon0:0400:00
zombie, cry, voice, groan, eerie, horror, psyc, monster, horror game, battle, rpg, beast, action, devil, shooting game, image, combat, goo, gao, gow, dinosaur, enemy, boss, dragon, animal, dread, roar, ruins, ghost, fantasy, apps, undead, dead person, corpse, thriller, occult, psycho horror, science fiction, giant, special effects, alien, eidolon0:1000:00
zombie, psyc, splatter, horror game, gyao, monster, cry, groan, roar, horror, scary, occult, rpg, gothic, ruins, gao, hazard, deserted house, panic, goo, psycho horror, ghost, action, dinosaur, large monster, beast, giant, special effects, animal, dread, anxiety, terrible, danger, boss, enemy, devil, demon, supernatural, science fiction, alien, infection, dead person, fierce, battle, fantasy0:0400:00
start sound, notification, cute, pop, telop, a click, pico, picory, pii(button), click here, korori, select, choice, annotation, description, commentary, pause, stop, select sound, insertion sound, notification sound, display, eye catching, corporate vp, guide, presentation, introduction, event, quiz, game, shooting game, horror game, quiz game, action, rpg, battle, card battle, fantasy, puzzle game, apps, click, button, image, electronic sound, point, important point, start0:0100:00
atmospheric sound, bad weather, gogogo, gugogogogo, dododod, rumbling, earthquake, earth sound, beat, undulation, atmosphere, environmental sound, cloudy weather, weather, typhoon, thunder, shaking, texture, disaster, natural disaster, the weather, seafloor, tornado, storm, cinematic, underground, movies, effect, air flow, nature, space, black hole, deep sea, gow, go, a strong wind, tsunami, wind, rpg, apps, action, horror game, fantasy, war, gogogogo, snowstorm, battle, image, destruction2:3100:00