pico, picon(computing) , picory, notification, telop, select, configuration, pause, stop, start, start sound, restart, piro, pylori, pikori, pilot, shooting game, horror game, quiz game, action, rpg, battle, card battle, fantasy, puzzle game, apps, touch, button, click, pachinko, image, scene transition, eye catching, game, level up, event, quiz, annotation, description, commentary, notice, important point, point, electronic sound, cute, pop, simple0:0200:00
pico, poke, poco, piro, pilot, telop, notification, notice, picon(computing) , pocon, pylon, cute, pop, bright, comical, variety, news, annotation, callout, important point, point, check required, check, item, event, quiz, game, start sound, select, configuration, choice, setting sound, select sound, magic, shooting game, horror game, quiz game, card battle, battle, rpg, action, touch, apps, puzzle game, fantasy, click, button, image0:0200:00
picory, pikori, pocoli, beachpipe, telop, notification, cute, pop, bright, comical, select, variety, annotation, description, point, pause, stop, restart, start sound, setting sound, simple, game, event, quiz, pylori, shooting game, horror game, battle, rpg, action, quiz game, fantasy, puzzle game, apps, click, button, image, pachinko, eye catching, electronic sound, machine, item, get, card battle, select sound, callout, important point, commentary, corporate vp0:0200:00
telop, cute, pop, annotation, attention, point, description, eye catching, pico, poco, poke, select sound, setting sound, start sound, pause, pachinko, button, select, comical, notification sound, choice, picon(computing) , pocon, button sound, convert, commentary, item, scene transition, get, treasure chest, operating sound, bright, electronic sound, picoon(correct), game, event, quiz, shooting game, horror game, quiz game, action, rpg, battle, card battle, apps, puzzle game, click0:0200:00
start, opening, classic, japanese drum, shamisen, jingle, eye catching, convert, japanese musical instrument, big drum, bon o dori, festival, powerful, traditional culture, ceremony, attention, vigorous, select, level up, stage, performance, start sound, end, ending, scene transition, for music production, yukata, fireworks, summer, japan, japanese style, japanese goods, magnificent, game (match), battle, confrontation, fight, war, puzzle game, card battle, action, game, result announcement, apps, energetic0:0300:00
zombie, monster, undead, dinosaur, groan, roar, cry, guru, gurururu, guo, gao, gow, animal, giant, giant creatures, cry(roar, chirp), anime, game, horror, psyc, fantasy, rpg, action, horror game, ghost, ruins, deserted house, thriller, psycho horror, exhaling, phantom, enemy, boss, goblin, battle, shooting game, card battle, apps, movies, creature, alien, devil, demon, the grim reaper, creat, scary0:1200:00
snore, monster, monster roar, voice, roar, groan, breathing, beat, dragon, zombie, enemy, boss, giant, dinosaur, beast, cry, alien, creature, guru, gogogogo, goo, breath, animal, respiration, fantasy, rpg, action, game, movies, horror game, large monster, phantom, shooting game, battle, apps, card battle, sleep, snooze, apparition, demon, guo, guar, cry(roar, chirp), squeal, anime0:1400:00
weapon, slash, science fiction, collision, electron gun, attack, shock, gun, shelling, shoot, speedy, speeding, damaged sound, reverse, impact, war, fight, battle, sword, combat, strike, machine, robot, shooting game, horror game, action, bazooka, rpg, card battle, fantasy, puzzle game, apps, game, fighter aircraft, battleship, rocket, missile, anime, rocket launcher, weapons, guandao, navy, army, a soldier, bombing, a warship, laser weapon, military0:0400:00
slash, special move, deciding technique, action, attack, battle, attack sound, reverse, impact, shock, collision, destruction, landing, blow up, damage, hit, speedy, speeding, rush, assault, sword, large sword, gakin, cacoon, gakeen, gashan, metallic sound, metallic, combat, war, conflict, missile, ballistic, rocket launcher, rocket, gun, bullet, shelling, raid, game, shooting game, horror game, rpg, card battle, fantasy, apps, strike, explosion0:0500:00
monster, footsteps, dosun, gashan, robot, medium size, small size, don, mecha, slash, boss, enemy, dinosaur, phantom, shock, shoot, destruction, landing, attack, weapon, game, shooting game, horror game, quiz game, action, rpg, battle, card battle, fantasy, apps, war, fight, shelling, gun, missile, collapse, metallic sound, to break, damage, hit, bullet, rocket, launcher, rocket launcher, punch, kick0:0200:00
slash, attack, sword, guandao, gun, shelling, high speed, speeding, speedy, gashan, cacoon, gakin, gushan, strike, dogyan, action, landing, weapon, weapon attack, impact, reverse, missile, gunfight, shoot, shock, collision, explosion, blow up, destruction, rocket, combat, launcher, rocket launcher, war, battlefield, battle, fight, conflict, shooting game, rpg, fantasy, card battle, horror game, game, machine, robot, metallic sound, dawn0:0400:00
cuckoo clock, clock, time, passage, time elapsed, cooking, diy, recipe, timer, limit, time limit, time over, time attack, poppo, popoo, pigeon, eye catching, convert, scene transition, switching, pop, cute, catch, bright, comical, variety, quiz, planning, thinking time, event, quiz game, card battle, battle, horror game, shooting game, puzzle game, apps, second hand, tick-tuck, tic tac, flute, recorder, xylophone, marimba, latency, done, thinking, wait0:0400:00
poppo, cuckoo clock, clock, time, time elapsed, timer, cooking, diy, thinking, pop, cute, comical, scene transition, expansion, eye catching, pappod, pigeon, time report, notice, heartwarming, times of day, second hand, variety, event, broadcast, time attack, time limit, expiration, quiz, end, popu, tick-tuck, cuckoo, passage, game, shooting game, horror game, quiz game, time over, funny, bright, enjoy, accent, recorder, flute, toy, metallophone0:0400:00
robot voice, robot, mecha, r2d2 style, star wars style, spaceship, science fiction, fantasy, android, mechanical sound, starting sound, voice, electronic sound, future, near future, space shuttle, rocket, send, reception, computer, apparatus, machine, system, operation sound, technology, science, doctor, development of, invention, experiment, chemical, time slip, the study, card battle, rpg, action, battle, shooting game, apps, game, image, vehicle, picopico, ai, artificial intelligence, space opera, planet0:0600:00
japanese drum, japanese style, japan, don dong, convert, jingle, eye catching, vigorous, opening, start, confrontation, start game, game (match), sumo, battle, experiment, planning, variety, end, ending, energetic, strong, wild, japanese goods, shrine, gagaku, shamisen, rhythmic clap, crap, percussion instrument, festival, bon o dori, summer festival, steadily, image, scene transition, event, quiz, start sound, quiz game, apps, expansion, japanese musical instrument, new year, ceremony, speeding, game0:0300:00
reverse, reverse playback, trailer, title, forecast, logo, title back, a title, next notice, announcement, pressure, vigorous, movies, beginning, cinematic, opening, start, sound logo, eye catching, shock, transition, strike, slash, explosion, collision, airplane, aircraft, fighter aircraft, speedy, speeding, game, shooting game, horror game, action, rpg, battle, card battle, apps, quiz game, puzzle game, fantasy, combat, sfx, to press, event, image, race, scene transition, magic, attack0:1100:00
corporate vp, eye catching, tv, radio, advert, select sound, telop, jingle, company profile, school introduction, introduction, guide, promotion, notice, guidance, information, bright, level up, start sound, cleanliness, fresh, select, beautiful, gentle, soft, chime, information chime, announcement, broadcast, on-site broadcasting, school broadcasting, inside, station, airport, transportation facilities, commercial facility, shopping centre, in-store, in the store, department store, refreshing, kirakira(twinkle), pop, relief , calm down, relaxation, call0:0600:00
eye catching, jingle, sound logo, corporate vp, company profile, convert, scene transition, ending, kirakira(twinkle), stylish, beautiful, refreshing, cleanliness, sensation of coolness, cool, comfortable, cosy, relax, fresh, neat, news, news report, weather, weather forecast, smart, radio, delivery, good faith, event, quiz, level up, shooting game, horror game, quiz game, action, rpg, battle, card battle, fantasy, puzzle game, apps, click, button, image, healing, relief0:0600:00
opening, start, beginning, continue, eye catching, news, weather forecast, sound logo, beautiful, kirakira(twinkle), refreshing, sensation of coolness, corporate vp, company profile, start sound, game, weather, news program, radio, transportation information, chime, bell, guide, broadcast, on-site broadcasting, announcement, notice, guidance, information chime, information, information center, level up, magic, game complete, card battle, battle, rpg, image, scene transition, pop, soft, transparency, cleanliness, fantastic, fluffy, relief0:0600:00
kirakira(twinkle), refreshing, eye catching, sound logo, cute, pop, weather forecast, news, news report, radio, cleanliness, good faith, serious, future, hope, corporate vp, neat, transparency, fluffy, soft, beautiful, gorgeous, piano, fantasy, fantastic, gentle, relax, relief , calm, morning, early morning, fresh, peaceful, slowly, jingle, event, quiz, correct, game, start sound, level up, shooting game, card battle, battle, rpg, action, quiz game, puzzle game, apps0:0400:00