orchestra, epic, cooking, craftsman, variety, product introduction, corporate vp, profile video, entry, challenge, exit, combat, image, confrontation, drama, music box, strings, motivation, advert, documentary, sports, contests, battle, game, anime, opening, ending, rpg, movies, han, show, sea, pirate, voyage, warring states, pain, exciting, tense, magnificent, presentation, stage, interview, rival, friendship, effort, victory, hot blood, hot0:5600:00
j-pop, trance, synthesizer, electric guitar, live music, digital, pop, anime, advert, game, race, sports, edm, party, show, speeding, cool, light(sprightly), piano, play songs, refreshing, image, opening, entry, dance, battle, shooting, combat, rpg, movies, documentary, news, variety, profile video, rock, enjoy, pain, touching, magnificent, deep bass, dj, 90's, retro, exciting, club, groovy, live, youtube, ending1:2500:00
japanese style, metal, koto (instrument), flute, yosakoi, game, dance music, show, stage, warring states, kabuki, rpg, combat, samurai, ninja, new year, movies, anime, advert, shooting, entry, fighting sports, opening, image, sports, variety, orchestra, sad, pain, angry, exciting, battle, tense, eerie, touching, fantasy, magnificent, kimono, apparition, demon, profile video, youtube, japan, wa(japanese culture), meter, drum, stress, shishimai, festival, boss1:3600:00
christmas, rpg, movies, anime, advert, documentary, cafe, news, cooking, variety, image, game, orchestra, violin, glocken, pop, ambient, winter, enjoy, exciting, relax, heartwarming, everyday life, soft, fashionable, cute, comical, refreshing, fantasy, percussion, acoustic, gentle, youtube, video / video, healing, fantastic, scene, apps, video, documentary document, opening, strings, light(sprightly), snow, cold, cleanliness, holiday, uplifting, positive, smile1:3800:00
christmas, rpg, movies, anime, advert, documentary, cafe, news, cooking, variety, image, game, orchestra, violin, glocken, pop, ambient, winter, enjoy, exciting, relax, heartwarming, everyday life, soft, fashionable, cute, comical, refreshing, fantasy, percussion, acoustic, gentle, youtube, video / video, healing, fantastic, scene, apps, video, documentary document, opening, strings, light(sprightly), snow, cold, cleanliness, holiday, uplifting, positive, smile1:3800:00
rock, pop, piano, drum, light(sprightly), refreshing, simple, no melody, karaoke, speeding, exciting, bright, uplifting, positive, hope, enjoy, soft, cleanliness, pain, future, advert, image, game, rpg, variety, anime, movies, documentary, news, opening, ending, entry, exit, race, sports, profile video, bass, spring, light tone, summer, video / video, youtube, clean, band, holiday, sunny, sun, youth, outside, everyday life1:2600:00
metal, rock, electric guitar, live music, pipe organ, game, battle, combat, fantasy, rpg, fierce, speeding, tense, eerie, horror, scary, angry, pain, sad, exciting, magnificent, fantastic, touching, cross, vampire, dracula, bat, zombie, devil, church, enemy, anime, movies, symphonic metal, neo classical, piano, opening, ending, shooting, entry, exit, puzzle, advert, documentary, news, variety, image, fight, blood, priest0:5500:00
acoustic, orchestra, cooking, kitchen, bassoon, percussion, housekeeping, housewife, comical, busy, hilarious, troublesome, impatient, speeding, angry, frustrating, enjoy, exciting, cute, light(sprightly), tense, everyday life, vigorous, anime, game, bus, pop, sports day, opening, ending, combat, rpg, movies, advert, documentary, new year, news, variety, image, wedding, profile video, battlefield, fast, cumbersome, hindrance, stress1:0700:00
jazz, edm, electric guitar, saxophone, fashionable, friendly, relax, healing, warm, pain, cool, show, stage, image, youtube, video / video, talk, corporate vp, scene, cafe, anime, documentary, game, news, variety, suspense, rpg, movies, puzzle, soft, enjoy, exciting, heartwarming, everyday life, refreshing, opening, ending, entry, exit, shooting, profile video, synthesizer, solo, session, jam, tight, groovy, swaying, sleepy, autumn1:1800:00
edm, dance music, show, stage, cool, deep bass, dark, elation, video / video, image, synthesizer, synth lead, corporate vp, product introduction, fantastic, opening, ending, entry, exit, puzzle, rpg, movies, anime, advert, documentary, horror, news, suspense, variety, game, profile video, female, voice, youtube, ad lib, relax, cute, tense, floating, tight, stress, negative, exciting, eerie, fantasy, soft, scene, ambient1:0600:00
country, acoustic guitar, game, documentary, light(sprightly), refreshing, speeding, exciting, enjoy, fashionable, video / video, image, movies, anime, fantasy, rpg, battle, combat, variety, positive, uplifting, cajĂłn, acoustic, guitar instrument, pop, spring, autumn, fantastic, magnificent, advert, race, news, puzzle, shooting, profile video, entry, everyday life, heartwarming, valley, waterfall, river, flower, grass, horse, nature, soil, folk, stroke, youtube0:5000:00
ambient, healing, harp, piano, fantasy, fantastic, relax, scuba, diving, video / video, image, game, documentary, variety, rpg, water, sea, underwater, mermaid, fish, boat, sunken ship, seafloor, lake, water surface, swim, deep, magnificent, anime, movies, percussion, opening, ending, entry, exit, puzzle, shooting, combat, news, acoustic, exciting, soft, refreshing, wave, fashionable, gorgeous, beautiful, night, ryugu castle, grace1:2000:00
game, extinction, game over, female, choir, church, chorus, fantasy, rpg, defeat, fail, death, exit, holy, despair, cross, angel, fantastic, sad, pain, ending, dark, magnificent, documentary, opera, anime, movies, combat, puzzle, shooting, advert, horror, tender, news, suspense, variety, image, scary, battle, soft, touching, awards ceremony, song, negative, coffin, lyrics, youtube, video / video, god0:3600:00
metal, rock, electric guitar, game, combat, battle, rpg, atrocious, boss, enemy, dark, fantasy, confrontation, anime, movies, image, video / video, speeding, guitar, guitar solo, drum, tense, evil, darkness, riff, exciting, fight, strong, entry, exit, advert, documentary, sports, news, suspense, opening, variety, profile video, angry, scary, light(sprightly), fantastic, magnificent, devil, can not win, final battle, technical, simple, shooting, puzzle1:1200:00
celtic music, ethnic musical instrument, dulcimer, acoustic, fantasy, game, rpg, anime, downtown, town, amusement park, crowd, exciting, enjoy, light(sprightly), fantastic, exotic, ethnic, nostalgy, festival, carnival, amusement, cooking, documentary, image, youtube, advert, combat, variety, profile video, summer, battle, relax, cute, comical, refreshing, magnificent, movies, scotland, spring, desert, village, latin, opening, puzzle, witch, fairy, energetic1:0700:00
acoustic, ghost, fantasy, cute, doll, eerie, horror, glocken, percussion, noise, haunted house, fantastic, comical, scary, rpg, anime, movies, game, profile video, christmas, puzzle, combat, advert, documentary, news, cooking, variety, halloween, image, sad, pain, witch, the west, orchestra, healing, relief , surprised, clearly, surprise, dread, exciting, relax, soft, youtube, video / video, simple, winter, children1:2800:00
game, sea, electric piano, electric, wave, rpg, pain, nostalgic, sad, coast, memories, beach, sound of the wave, lonely, farewell, anime, documentary, heartwarming, everyday life, touching, tender, video / video, image, refreshing, fantasy, fantastic, healing, relax, movies, ballad, puzzle, soft, news, cooking, variety, wedding, profile video, summer vacation, youtube, warm, nostalgy, scene, weeping, water, cosy, retro, hawaii, summer, past, country1:1500:00
ambient, metal, electric guitar, synth bell, cave, game, rpg, percussion, mine, adventure, expedition, mining, fantasy, fantastic, tense, magnificent, acoustic, documentary, anime, image, movies, pain, exciting, relax, opening, ending, entry, exit, puzzle, shooting, combat, advert, horror, profile video, jewelry, money, mountain, kirakira(twinkle), stone, cool, black, crystal, darkness, scary, a truck, coal, petroleum, labor2:0100:00
orchestra, healing, synth bell, fantastic, fantasy, anime, scene, pain, touching, emotional, magnificent, stage, show, image, documentary, ballad, drum, choir, movies, advert, rpg, game, youtube, video / video, relax, acoustic, christmas, opening, ending, puzzle, tender, news, variety, wedding, profile video, autumn, winter, sad, soft, cute, future, hope, weeping, delicate, snow, firefly, sunset, setting sun, tears, night1:3400:00
epic, orchestra, accordion, pirate, fantasy, fantastic, magnificent, adventure, voyage, game, rpg, boat, anime, movies, sea, celtic, irish, a buffet, caribbean, pressure, video / video, image, tense, opening, ending, entry, exit, percussion instrument, puzzle, shooting, acoustic, combat, advert, documentary, variety, profile video, exciting, scary, battle, wave, fish, storm, courage, youtube, summer, tuba, majestic, wild, dark, ghost1:0100:00