opening, ending, exit, movies, anime, advert, tender, image, wedding, profile video, piano, organ, electric guitar, strings, pop, ballad, spring, sad, pain, soft, everyday life, heartwarming, relax, refreshing, fantastic, touching, fantasy, magnificent, band, japanese lock, guitar solo, anison, emotional, emoi, lyrical4:5900:00
sports day, ending, entry, exit, opening, shooting, combat, rpg, movies, anime, advert, sports, game, variety, image, electric guitar, pop, rock, winter, autumn, pain, exciting, speeding, refreshing, touching, fantastic, magnificent, band, anison, japanese lock, emotional, emoi, lyrical, guitar solo3:3000:00
sports day, christmas, opening, ending, entry, exit, puzzle, shooting, combat, rpg, movies, anime, advert, documentary, awards ceremony, race, sports, cooking, variety, image, game, profile video, electric guitar, pop, rock, autumn, winter, enjoy, pain, exciting, speeding, battle, light(sprightly), touching, fantastic, tense, fantasy, magnificent, band, japanese lock, anison, emotional, emoi, guitar solo3:4000:00
sports day, christmas, opening, ending, entry, exit, puzzle, rpg, movies, anime, advert, cafe, awards ceremony, new year, race, news, cooking, variety, sports, image, wedding, game, profile video, electric guitar, synth lead, pop, rock, spring, enjoy, pain, speeding, heartwarming, relax, everyday life, soft, fashionable, cute, light(sprightly), refreshing, touching, euphoria, baby, children, birth, family, band, japanese lock3:3900:00
entry, exit, puzzle, shooting, combat, rpg, movies, anime, advert, documentary, race, tender, sports, variety, news, game, image, profile video, electric guitar, strings, synthesizer, pop, rock, autumn, winter, sad, pain, exciting, speeding, battle, light(sprightly), touching, fantastic, tense, fantasy, magnificent, japanese lock, band, emotional, lyrical, anison, space, near future, moon, moonlight4:2700:00
shooting, combat, rpg, movies, anime, advert, awards ceremony, news, cooking, wedding, game, variety, profile video, image, new year, tender, documentary, electric guitar, strings, synthesizer, pop, rock, spring, enjoy, sad, pain, exciting, speeding, fashionable, soft, everyday life, cute, relax, light(sprightly), refreshing, fantastic, anison, band, japanese lock, emoi, emotional, touching, magnificent, lyrical, sakura, farewell, a break3:4200:00
sports day, christmas, opening, ending, entry, exit, puzzle, shooting, rpg, movies, anime, advert, sound logo, cafe, awards ceremony, jingle, documentary, race, tender, new year, sports, variety, image, cooking, news, game, wedding, profile video, piano, organ, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, flute, pop, acoustic, winter, autumn, enjoy, pain, exciting, speeding, relax, soft, everyday life, heartwarming, fashionable, cute, comical, light(sprightly), refreshing4:0100:00
entry, exit, rpg, movies, anime, advert, race, tender, image, profile video, electric guitar, pop, rock, summer, autumn, enjoy, sad, pain, speeding, heartwarming, everyday life, soft, fashionable, cute, light(sprightly), refreshing, touching, band, emoi, emotional, lyrical, the end of the summer, girls band, female vocal, farewell, boyfriend/girlfriend, regret, rebellion, past, anison, pop lock, japanese music rock, japanese lock, fireworks, tears3:4500:00
combat, shooting, puzzle, exit, entry, rpg, movies, anime, advert, awards ceremony, cafe, documentary, race, tender, new year, sports, image, variety, cooking, news, game, wedding, profile video, organ, electric guitar, piano, synthesizer, synth lead, pop, technopop, rock, spring, summer, soft, everyday life, heartwarming, relax, exciting, speeding, enjoy, refreshing, touching, fantastic, cute3:3800:00
exit, entry, shooting, combat, advert, anime, movies, rpg, documentary, awards ceremony, sports, new year, tender, race, horror, news, cooking, suspense, variety, image, profile video, wedding, game, electric guitar, pop, rock, spring, autumn, sad, pain, exciting, speeding, battle, fashionable, light(sprightly), fantastic, touching, fantasy, magnificent, tense, band, japanese lock, emotional, emoi, lyrical3:3500:00
sports day, christmas, opening, ending, entry, movies, rpg, combat, shooting, puzzle, exit, anime, advert, sound logo, jingle, documentary, awards ceremony, race, news, sports, new year, tender, variety, image, game, wedding, profile video, electric guitar, pop, rock, spring, summer, autumn, winter, enjoy, battle, speeding, exciting, heartwarming, everyday life, soft, fashionable, cute, refreshing, light(sprightly), fantasy, touching, fantastic, magnificent, band3:3100:00
rock, electric guitar, pop, sports day, christmas, opening, ending, shooting, puzzle, exit, entry, rpg, movies, anime, advert, sound logo, combat, awards ceremony, jingle, race, tender, new year, sports, image, variety, cooking, news, game, wedding, profile video, sad, pain, enjoy, speeding, fantasy, magnificent, touching, fantastic, tense, light(sprightly), emoi, emotional3:3700:00
rock, electric guitar, pop, sports day, christmas, opening, ending, shooting, puzzle, exit, entry, rpg, movies, anime, advert, sound logo, cafe, jingle, documentary, new year, tender, news, variety, image, profile video, game, enjoy, battle, speeding, exciting, relax, heartwarming, everyday life, soft, fashionable, refreshing, light(sprightly), cute, fantasy, touching, fantastic, magnificent3:4100:00
game, electric guitar, relax, sports day, christmas, opening, ending, combat, shooting, puzzle, exit, entry, rpg, movies, anime, advert, sound logo, awards ceremony, documentary, jingle, new year, tender, sports, variety, image, cooking, piano, news, wedding, profile video, synthesizer, pop, enjoy, exciting, heartwarming, everyday life, soft, fashionable, refreshing, light(sprightly), cute, fantasy, touching, fantastic, tense, magnificent3:4100:00
pop, electric guitar, variety, sports day, christmas, opening, ending, shooting, puzzle, exit, entry, rpg, anime, advert, sound logo, movies, jingle, documentary, cafe, awards ceremony, new year, tender, news, cooking, image, profile video, wedding, game, piano, organ, violin, magnificent, fantastic, touching, refreshing, pain, fashionable, soft, everyday life, heartwarming, relax, ballad, emoi4:2900:00
rock, battle, electric guitar, sports day, christmas, opening, ending, combat, shooting, puzzle, exit, entry, rpg, movies, anime, advert, sound logo, cafe, documentary, jingle, race, tender, new year, sports, image, variety, cooking, news, game, wedding, profile video, pop, enjoy, speeding, exciting, relax, heartwarming, soft, everyday life, fashionable, refreshing, comical, light(sprightly), cute, touching, fantasy3:2800:00
rock, electric guitar, game, sports day, christmas, opening, synthesizer, ending, entry, exit, puzzle, shooting, combat, movies, anime, advert, awards ceremony, cafe, documentary, jingle, race, tender, sports, new year, variety, cooking, news, wedding, profile video, synth lead, pop, enjoy, battle, speeding, exciting, relax, heartwarming, everyday life, soft, fashionable, refreshing, light(sprightly), comical, cute, fantasy, touching3:5000:00
rock, pop, electric guitar, sports day, christmas, opening, ending, shooting, puzzle, exit, entry, rpg, movies, anime, advert, sound logo, awards ceremony, cafe, documentary, jingle, race, tender, new year, sports, image, variety, cooking, news, wedding, profile video, enjoy, battle, speeding, relax, exciting, fantasy, touching, fantastic, magnificent, tense3:3800:00
electric guitar, rock, pop, sports day, christmas, opening, ending, combat, shooting, puzzle, exit, entry, rpg, movies, anime, advert, sound logo, awards ceremony, cafe, documentary, jingle, race, tender, new year, sports, image, variety, cooking, news, game, wedding, profile video, enjoy, sad, pain, exciting, speeding, battle, relax, fantasy, touching, fantastic, magnificent, tense3:2900:00
rock, pop, news, sports day, christmas, opening, ending, combat, shooting, exit, puzzle, entry, rpg, movies, anime, advert, sound logo, awards ceremony, cafe, documentary, jingle, race, tender, new year, sports, image, variety, profile video, wedding, game, cooking, electric guitar, enjoy, pain, exciting, speeding, battle, fashionable, soft, everyday life, heartwarming, relax, cute, comical, light(sprightly), refreshing2:2900:00