jingle, advert, harp, lira, liar, sound logo, news, image, game, koto (instrument), music box, pop, acoustic, ambient, enjoy, exciting, relax, heartwarming, fashionable, cute, light(sprightly), refreshing, fantasy, touching, fantastic0:0400:00
refreshing, advert, 90 seconds, tender, soft, documentary, wedding, to tear, one and a half, image, movies, photo movie, message movie, farewell, encounter, opening, ending, nostalgic, piano, news, profile video, electric guitar, acoustic guitar, pop, acoustic, jazz, ballad, healing, ambient, pain, relax, fashionable, touching, fantastic1:2600:00
corporate music, corporate, positive, pop, acoustic, ambient, enjoy, summer, spring, exciting, speeding, everyday life, fashionable, refreshing, light(sprightly), piano, synthesizer, acoustic guitar, strings, magnificent, touching, sports day, opening, entry, exit, ending, movies, advert, awards ceremony, documentary, tender, news, image, game, sports, profile video, violin, technopop, health, beauty1:5400:00
piano, opening, piano solo, kirakira(twinkle), news, radio, image, ornate, entry, tv, rpg, movies, acoustic, youtube, anime, advert, posh, sound logo, jingle, documentary, tender, game, 30 seconds, enjoy, speeding, exciting, everyday life, fashionable, company introduction, refreshing, fantastic, touching, fantasy, magnificent, ad, corporate vp, company, fast, upbeat, healing, ambient, new age, fusion0:2800:00
opening, piano solo, piano, magnificent, majestic, ambient, healing, entry, nature, movies, advert, documentary, tender, image, company, ad, profile video, pop, new age, acoustic, enjoy, exciting, everyday life, fashionable, light(sprightly), game, refreshing, fantastic, touching, fantasy, mountain, mountain range, soft, youtube, challenge, departure, sailing, new year, determination, abundance, goal, spring, summer, autumn, winter1:1000:00
piano, ambient, healing, documentary, movies, advert, anime, entry, tender, image, wedding, profile video, piano solo, ballad, acoustic, pop, spring, summer, autumn, enjoy, pain, opening, exciting, relax, everyday life, heartwarming, soft, fashionable, light(sprightly), refreshing, fantasy, touching, fantastic, magnificent, greeting movie, concept movie, photo movie, company introduction, endrol, stuffed roll, relief , to be healed, peaceful, morning, new age, graduation ceremony, graduate, a garden, message movie, thank2:3800:00
documentary, piano, piano solo, pop, acoustic, ambient, spring, summer, autumn, enjoy, exciting, heartwarming, relax, fashionable, everyday life, soft, cute, comical, light(sprightly), refreshing, africa, ethnic, exotic, entry, opening, rpg, movies, anime, advert, variety, image, game, fantasy, fantastic, strange, walk, bounce, skip, children, fresh, nature, forest, kids, family, picnic, fun, smile, lun lun2:0900:00