advert, sound logo, jingle, documentary, news, variety, image, game, profile video, piano, piano solo, pop, everyday life, soft, corner, scene, switching, slideshow, description, relax, heartwarming, refreshing, corporate vp, company introduction, light(sprightly), fashionable, ending, live music, beautiful, exciting, fantasy, glitter, relief , weather, introduction, quiet, healing, ballad, acoustic, bright, raw sound, corner title, before cm, cm switching, logo, gentle, warm, grace, calm0:0800:00
christmas, ending, movies, anime, advert, jingle, image, game, wedding, profile video, piano, piano solo, ballad, healing, relax, soft, touching, fantastic, moist, cosy, warm, gentle, easy listening, for sleep, kirakira(twinkle), throbbing, bridal, happiness, memories, slideshow, album, beautiful, nature, meditation, drama, soundtrack, confession, quiet, bed, black tea, raw sound, a funeral, reminisce, live music, aroma, relaxation, yoga, mindfulness2:2800:00
game, documentary, cosy, ending, wedding, ballad, healing, movies, home, opening, anime, advert, image, relax, heartwarming, soft, touching, moist, nostalgic, memories, ghibli, quiet, bright, sunset, shochu, sake, japan, kyoto, setting sun, journey, album, piano, slideshow, melodious, nature, view, nostalgia, piano solo, live music, relief , loop, calm, original landscape, tea, country1:1700:00
game, documentary, cosy, ending, wedding, ballad, healing, movies, home, opening, rpg, anime, advert, image, relax, heartwarming, soft, touching, moist, nostalgic, memories, ghibli, quiet, bright, sunset, shochu, sake, setting sun, album, piano, warm, melodious, slideshow, nature, nostalgy, nostalgia, hometown, piano solo, live music, relief , calm, kyoto, early childhood, acoustic, summer, everyday life1:2300:00
nhk, educational program, light(sprightly), anime, advert, sound logo, cooking, image, game, profile video, variety, news, piano, piano solo, pop, acoustic, spring, enjoy, exciting, relax, heartwarming, everyday life, soft, fashionable, cute, fantasy, refreshing, jingle, small animals, puppy, scene, switching, bright, letter, your worries, bounce, skip, handicraft program, children, pet, description, before cm, consultation, scoop up, warm, raw sound, cm switching, corner title, corner, live music0:0700:00
nhk, educational program, anime, advert, children, rpg, scoop up, sound logo, parenting, jingle, cooking, image, game, piano solo, piano, pop, acoustic, exciting, relax, heartwarming, everyday life, comical, soft, light(sprightly), refreshing, small animals, puppy, switching, bright, content, letter, tv, cooking program, diy, description, gardening program, profile video, variety, cute, pet, child care, healing, enjoy, before cm, corner title, corner, cm switching, title, raw sound, live music0:0600:00
ending, rpg, movies, anime, documentary, variety, image, game, piano solo, summer, exciting, relax, heartwarming, refreshing, light(sprightly), scoop up, parenting, tv, nhk, opening, dog, walk, puppy, adventure, journey, kirakira(twinkle), sea, sun, advert, corner, jingle, cute, groovy, stuffed roll, piano, uplifting, positive, drama, soundtrack, insurance, short, pop, acoustic, enjoy, experience, camp, children1:1400:00
relax, game, opening, anime, advert, sound logo, jingle, news, image, piano solo, piano, enjoy, heartwarming, soft, fashionable, light(sprightly), refreshing, fantasy, logo, corner, switching, before cm, bright, smooth, arpeggio, moist, cosy, glitter, light, sparkle, nhk, title, beautiful, healing, melodious, quiet, relief , introduction, documentary, raw sound, corner switching, live music, solemnity, grace, corner title, corporate vp, company introduction, presentation, rpg0:0500:00
healing, christmas, opening, ending, rpg, movies, anime, advert, documentary, cafe, image, game, wedding, profile video, piano solo, ballad, relax, heartwarming, soft, fashionable, refreshing, fantasy, touching, fantastic, birth, confession, bright, gentle, future, drama, dream, cosy, quiet, love, soundtrack, memories, light, moist, reminisce, encounter, piano, beautiful, melodious, nostalgic, live music, relief , positive, tomorrow1:3900:00
healing, christmas, opening, ending, rpg, movies, anime, advert, documentary, cafe, tender, image, game, wedding, profile video, piano solo, ballad, exciting, relax, soft, refreshing, fantasy, touching, fantastic, magnificent, confession, bright, gentle, expectation, drama, dream, reminisce, love, heartwarming, sea, soundtrack, quiet, nhk, piano, warm, cosy, beautiful, melodious, moist, nostalgic, sprout, relief , future, stand up1:2800:00
opening, ending, rpg, movies, anime, advert, image, game, piano solo, pop, acoustic, enjoy, exciting, soft, comical, refreshing, fantasy, really, puppy, kitten, field, title, ghibli, drama, bright, kirakira(twinkle), discovery, multicolored, new life, dynamic, hope, colorful, gentle, a trip show, quiet, cute, camp, expedition, town bgm, nhk, parenting, educational program, children, piano, melodious, cosy, small animals1:1100:00
advert, sound logo, jingle, piano solo, pop, acoustic, enjoy, exciting, relax, heartwarming, soft, fashionable, cute, light(sprightly), refreshing, weather forecast, before cm, bright, gentle, moist, quiet, smooth, grace, evening, wide show, after cm, switching, corner, scene, cosy, radio, tv, corporate vp, nhk, next is the weather, news, image, piano, melodious, healing, beautiful, abematv, promotion video, kirakira(twinkle), to flow, warm, relief , calm0:0500:00
acoustic, healing, opening, ending, movies, anime, advert, documentary, image, game, wedding, profile video, piano solo, ballad, relax, soft, refreshing, fantasy, touching, fantastic, birth, boyfriend/girlfriend, bright, gentle, expectation, drama, dream, cosy, soundtrack, reminisce, love, moist, piano, melodious, beautiful, transparency, memories, album, yoga, nostalgic, tomorrow, quiet, christmas, farewell, future, growth, meditation, mindfulness, calm1:4300:00
acoustic, profile video, christmas, opening, ending, movies, anime, advert, documentary, tender, image, wedding, piano solo, healing, relax, soft, fantasy, touching, fantastic, summer, autumn, water surface, boyfriend/girlfriend, reunion, sunbeams leaves, gentle, photo, slideshow, reminisce, moist, ballad, soap bubble, bright, drama, romance, quiet, nhk, piano, beautiful, melodious, cosy, yoga, soundtrack, future, relief , album, nostalgy, memories, calm, mindfulness1:0900:00
opening, ending, movies, anime, advert, documentary, tender, image, piano solo, ballad, healing, sad, soft, touching, fantastic, loop, gentle, drama, farewell, confession, moist, cosy, memories, reminisce, soundtrack, broken heart, night, ephemeral, winter, twilight, lonely, piano, melodious, beautiful, nostalgic, sunset, pain, quiet, nature, relief , relax, live music, snow, raw sound, calm, acoustic, autumn, magnificent1:3400:00
advert, sound logo, jingle, piano solo, pop, acoustic, enjoy, exciting, spring, summer, relax, heartwarming, everyday life, soft, fashionable, cute, light(sprightly), refreshing, weather forecast, before cm, bright, gentle, moist, quiet, smooth, grace, evening, wide show, corner, cosy, switching, scene, radio, tv, corporate vp, next is the weather, piano, beautiful, melodious, healing, warm, mild, to flow, documentary, promotion video, kirakira(twinkle), relief , introduction, raw sound0:0500:00
christmas, opening, ending, movies, anime, advert, cafe, documentary, tender, image, game, wedding, profile video, piano solo, ballad, healing, winter, exciting, speeding, heartwarming, soft, fashionable, refreshing, fantasy, touching, fantastic, hope, bright, gentle, light, x'mas, miracle, slideshow, memories, drive, drama, soundtrack, piano, warm, loop, cosy, melodious, beautiful, downtown, transparency, romantic, relief , happiness, family, fireplace2:0600:00
fantastic, touching, fantasy, soft, relax, pain, autumn, winter, sad, healing, ballad, piano solo, game, image, documentary, advert, anime, movies, ending, memories, moist, gentle, kyoto, japan, drama, kirakira(twinkle), cosy, a trip show, soundtrack, tea, sunset, setting sun, farewell, piano, melodious, beautiful, view, relief , snow, nostalgic, live music, hometown, shochu, sake, temple bell, calm, magnificent1:4800:00
opening, ending, entry, rpg, movies, anime, documentary, image, game, wedding, profile video, piano solo, healing, ballad, relax, soft, refreshing, fantastic, touching, fantasy, journey, ghibli, gentle, romance, memories, album, happiness, advert, drama, kirakira(twinkle), soundtrack, nhk, cosy, moist, travel journey, piano, warm, bridal, beautiful, melodious, transparency, romantic, yoga, relief , future, view, acoustic, magnificent4:5400:00
opening, ending, rpg, movies, anime, advert, image, game, piano solo, pop, acoustic, enjoy, exciting, soft, comical, refreshing, light(sprightly), fantasy, really, puppy, kitten, children, adventure, field, title, ghibli, drama, bright, kirakira(twinkle), discovery, furniture, multicolored, new life, product introduction, hope, colorful, gentle, a trip show, atsumi forest, energetic, cute, animal, piano, hot forest style, raw sound, live music, soundtrack, educational program, merry2:3300:00