japanese style, piano, pain, soft, touching, fantastic, image, piano solo, healing, ballad, documentary, anime, movies, advert, news, tender, acoustic, feeling, graduation ceremony, romance, puberty, graduate, sakura, plum, sentimental, video, corporate vp, spring, sad, loneliness, memories1:3900:00
image, speeding, documentary, news, news report, information, house music, synthesizer, opening, suspense, advert, ad, promotion, video, science, company, corporate vp1:3000:00
japanese style, piano solo, japan, beautiful, pain, fantastic, touching, fantasy, soft, relax, image, tender, news, documentary, movies, anime, advert, profile video, ballad, healing, garden, sakura, autumn leaves, japanese food, a hotel, news report, video1:3600:00
news, news report, documentary, image, video, variety, sports, advert, techno, house music, synthesizer, corporate vp, vp, fashion2:3100:00
news, news report, headline, headline news, breaking news, video, image, documentary, company, corporate vp, filler, news reading, information, topic, economy, work, status, situation, description, new arrivals, introduction, synthesizer, techno, mineral, tv, radio3:5300:00
news, news report, headline, headline news, breaking news, video, image, documentary, verification, education, filler, corporate vp, company, news reading, product, information, stock price, economy, exchange, description, society, new arrivals, situation, status, introduction, techno, synthesizer3:5100:00
news, news report, bed line, headline news, documentary, image, video, breaking news, verification, education, filler, company, corporate vp, product, science, news reading, discussion, manuscript reading, information, economy, stock price, exchange, headline, work, ad, promotion, manual, digest, topic, item, announcement, negotiation, situation, society, description, case, accident, disaster, new arrivals, international situation, worry, synthesizer, techno, sports, factory, introduction, school3:5300:00
relief , soft, warm, relax, wedding, documentary, image, news, movies, advert, piano, strings, ballad, healing, touching, tender, fantastic, video, sleep, kindness, fine quality, luxury, quiet, resort, great view, filler, warmth, ad, corporate vp, company, work, concentration, promotion, peaceful, posh, relief, babble, high class, nature, love, friendship, family, the scenery, graciously, cosy, throw, ogawa, carefree, slowly2:3600:00
children, baby, animal, pet, outing, game, shopping, image, video, kindergarten, nursery school, mama, dad, news, documentary, advert, anime, cooking, variety, education, recorder, piano, enjoy, everyday life, cute, comical, company, corporate vp, product, ad, promotion, toy, cat, dog, rabbit, tv, radio, zoo, aquarium, lessons, family, holiday, sports day, parentheses, heartwarming3:4900:00
relax, relief , piano, healing, touching, image, video, sleep, soft, kindness, fine quality, luxury, resort, wealthy class, self-appropriate, graciously, gentle, family, love, quiet, the scenery, warmth, advert, ad, corporate vp, company, sustainability, nature, documentary, fantastic, synthesizer, wedding, movies, tender, news, great view, filler, view, promotion, concentration, cosy, slowly, carefree, space, ogawa, peaceful, relief, babble3:2000:00
relief , soft, piano solo, piano, touching, fantastic, pain, documentary, image, video, movies, healing, ballad, posh, hospitality, company, corporate vp, ad, promotion, drama, filler, view, nature, babble, ogawa, space, a vacation, concentration, sleep, hotel, travel, great view, luxury, warm, warmth, relief, peaceful, cosy, slowly, love, friendship, couple, family, quiet, fine quality, tv, radio, the scenery, kindness3:2800:00
relief , relax, piano, sleep, healing, soft, image, tender, video, hospitality, posh, company, corporate vp, advert, ad, promotion, wedding, filler, view, break, nature, babble, ogawa, a vacation, work, concentration, hotel, travel, great view, luxury, touching, warm, warmth, pain, relief, peaceful, cosy, slowly, carefree, quiet, fine quality2:4800:00
news, news report, documentary, headline, image, video, corporate vp, product movie, concept movie, verification, information, announcement, filler, commentary, problem, task, news reading, manuscript reading, news headline, pursuit, breaking news, disaster, international situation, economy, digest, topic, item, product, manual, science, situation, robot, distribution, mail order, logistics, point, focus, urban, tv, radio, synthesizer, techno, tense, newspaper, article, summary, trouble, accident, case3:3600:00
news, news report, documentary, headline, headline news, verification, analysis, company, corporate vp, work, product, science, filler, task, information, video, image, news reading, discussion, manuscript reading, serious, pursuit, synthesizer, techno, worry, breaking news, house music, manual, economy, digest, topic, item, announcement, negotiation, situation, description, case, accident, disaster, international situation3:3600:00
news, news report, documentary, headline, headline news, verification, image, video, tense, tv, information, commentary, filler, task, radio, problem, corporate vp, discussion, news reading, serious, pursuit, synthesizer, techno, worry, breaking news, disaster, international situation, company, manual, economy, digest, topic, item, announcement, negotiation, product, science, situation, description, work, case, dark, accident, whereabouts, future, scary4:5400:00
news, news report, documentary, headline, image, video, corporate vp, product movie, concept movie, verification, information, announcement, filler, commentary, problem, task, news reading, manuscript reading, news headline, pursuit, breaking news, disaster, international situation, economy, digest, topic, item, product, manual, science, situation, robot, distribution, mail order, logistics, point, focus, urban, tv, radio, synthesizer, techno, tense, newspaper, article, summary, trouble, accident, case4:0700:00
news, news report, headline, headline news, documentary, analysis, verification, image, video, tense, tv, information, task, filler, commentary, problem, news reading, discussion, manuscript reading, serious, pursuit, synthesizer, techno, worry, breaking news, disaster, international situation, company, corporate vp, manual, economy, digest, topic, item, announcement, negotiation, product, science, situation, description, work, case, dark, accident, whereabouts, future4:0700:00