rain, japan, lyrical, view, countryside, country, japanese style, rainy season, nature, mountain, image, scene, advert, documentary, video, piano, yamato, ambient, healing, pain, speeding, everyday life, touching, fantastic, autumn, soft, warm, sadness, magnificent, nostalgic, festival, lonely, story, after the rain, game, fantasy, light(sprightly), refreshing, sad, summer, spring, battle, tense, puzzle, shooting, opening, ending, rpg, anime2:4700:00
rain, japan, lyrical, view, countryside, country, japanese style, rainy season, nature, mountain, music games, image, scene, advert, documentary, video, piano, deemo, ambient, healing, pain, speeding, everyday life, touching, fantastic, soft, warm, sadness, magnificent, nostalgic, festival, lonely, story, after the rain, game, fantasy, light(sprightly), refreshing, sad, summer, battle, tense, puzzle, shooting, opening, ending, rpg, anime2:0500:00
k-pop, posh, advert, late night, hip-hop, promotion, electronica, luxury, hiphop, catch, cool, beat, enjoy, fashionable, magnificent, exciting, image, video, opening, game, deep bass, club system, individual, ending, summer, spring, autumn, movies, light(sprightly), everyday life, speeding, battle, fantasy, fantastic, noon, night, evening, dance, combat, modern, edm, urban, pop, anime, race, rpg, puzzle, saxophone2:2000:00
late night, hip-hop, promotion, electronica, hiphop, catch, saxophone, synthesizer, synth lead, cool, advert, beat, enjoy, fashionable, magnificent, exciting, image, video, opening, game, deep bass, club system, individual, ending, summer, spring, autumn, movies, light(sprightly), everyday life, speeding, battle, fantasy, fantastic, noon, night, evening, dance, combat, modern, edm, urban, pop, anime, race, rpg, puzzle, entry, k-pop3:3100:00
loop material, comical, heartwarming, exciting, rpg, cute, famicom, opening, puzzle, chiptune, image, light(sprightly), retro game, game, analog synthesizer, video, everyday life, fairy tale, loop, children's songs/folk music, fancy, enjoy, relax, 8 bit, variety, anime, retro, tutorial, news, cooking, advert, humor, comedy, introduction, promotion, for children, education, fantasy, soft, child, conversation, combat, shooting, naive, simple, country, downtown, toy, children1:3700:00
loop material, comical, heartwarming, exciting, rpg, cute, famicom, opening, puzzle, chiptune, image, light(sprightly), retro game, game, video, everyday life, fairy tale, loop, children's songs/folk music, fancy, enjoy, relax, 8 bit, variety, anime, retro, tutorial, news, cooking, advert, humor, comedy, description, introduction, promotion, for children, education, fantasy, soft, child, conversation, combat, shooting, naive, simple, country, downtown, toy, children0:5100:00
sunlight, warm, soft, nostalgic, everyday life, date, refreshing, park, holiday, reminisce, anime, advert, video, outdoor, gentle, game, pet, animal, relax, ambient, enjoy, exciting, heartwarming, cute, naive, familiarity, friend, sunny place, morning, noon, school, family, home, downtown, country, in-store, unwind, children, conversation, ranch, rpg, puzzle, opening, image, variety, comical, cosy3:4700:00
sunlight, warm, soft, nostalgic, everyday life, date, refreshing, park, light(sprightly), holiday, reminisce, anime, advert, video, outdoor, gentle, game, pet, animal, relax, ambient, enjoy, exciting, heartwarming, cute, naive, familiarity, friend, sunny place, morning, noon, school, family, home, downtown, country, in-store, unwind, children, conversation, ranch, rpg, puzzle, opening, image, variety, fashionable, comical2:2000:00
mystic, cave, cool, water, sea, betrayal, river, mountain, summer, japanese style, koto (instrument), shamisen, fantastic, fantasy, relax, winter, transparency, refreshing, cold, fragile, ephemeral, delicate, heartbeat, magnificent, pain, touching, sad, reminisce, future, frustration, anxiety, doubt, past, piano, lonely, image, nature, speeding, soft, angry, tense, game, rpg, anime, advert, movies, ambient, hometown, shooting, combat3:0300:00
heartwarming, cute, loop specification, ranch, country, game, retro, home, new retro, 80s, lo-fi, naive, quest, loop, system, familiarity, downtown, description, simple, tutorial, wait, road, chiptune, nostalgic, refreshing, light(sprightly), comical, everyday life, soft, exciting, relax, enjoy, underwater, fantastic, puzzle, anime, rpg, image, pop, children, education, advert, fantasy, nostalgy, synthesizer, synth lead, ending, cosy, commentary6:1900:00
night, fairy tale, game, morning, night sky, broken toy, sound of the wave, vacation, star, fantasy, strange, weird, resort, open, refreshing, story, sea, opening, ambient, healing, everyday life, island, evening, relax, eerie, tropical island, magnificent, holiday, light(sprightly), fantastic, tense, horror, soft, fashionable, summer, scary, anime, advert, image, synthesizer, speeding, electronica, electronic, synth lead, edm, desert island, touching, ending, fast2:3500:00
night, morning, speeding, sound of the wave, vacation, star, fantasy, strange, weird, resort, open, refreshing, story, sea, opening, ambient, healing, everyday life, island, evening, relax, eerie, tropical island, magnificent, holiday, light(sprightly), fantastic, tense, horror, soft, fashionable, summer, scary, anime, advert, image, game, synthesizer, electronica, electronic, synth lead, edm, desert island, touching, cute, exciting, heartwarming, ending, fast1:5400:00
speeding, car, drive, top of the hill, fast, race, cool, adult, mens, sports, image, dance, video, magnificent, fashionable, exciting, battle, light(sprightly), refreshing, variety, fantastic, entry, combat, opening, ending, game, rpg, anime, advert, exit, beat, shooting, puzzle, busy, morning, noon, evening, night, high speed, summer, autumn, everyday life, pv, product introduction, promotion, masculine, mature, synth lead, synthesizer, hip-hop1:2700:00
wind chimes, summer, japan, river, water, summer vacation, everyday life, retro, showa, beat, hiphop, lo-fi, chill, image, youtube, pixel art, game, fantasy, fantastic, refreshing, light(sprightly), relax, advert, tutorial, wait, road, anime, rpg, puzzle, poems about seasons, individual, opening, ending, fireworks, noon, night, holiday, old days, playing in the water, dark, hip-hop, heartwarming, comical, fashionable, soft, simple, character, japanese style, eerie2:1100:00
walk, refreshing, dance, cool, analog synthesizer, bright, spring, new life, expansion, fresh, energetic, speeding, exciting, summer, enjoy, fashionable, soft, everyday life, heartwarming, light(sprightly), fantastic, relax, magnificent, pop, electronica, edm, entry, exit, opening, ending, shooting, image, game, rpg, advert, description of item, pv, variety, anime, puzzle, synthesizer, synth lead, cute, comical, analog, race, fantasy, touching, autumn, tense2:2800:00
energetic, uplifting, dance, cute, bright, new life, edm, introduction, xylophone, game, cool, speeding, refreshing, light(sprightly), exciting, enjoy, fashionable, individual, advert, anime, opening, ending, shooting, puzzle, image, video, house, drum n bass, romance, jingle bell, holiday, noon, morning, kawaii, comical, heartwarming, everyday life, winter, electronica, rpg, spring, girl, synthesizer, synth lead, voice, race, entry, exit2:5500:00
mystic, cave, cool, water, sea, river, mountain, summer, japanese style, koto (instrument), shamisen, fantastic, fantasy, relax, winter, transparency, refreshing, cold, fragile, ephemeral, delicate, heartbeat, magnificent, pain, touching, sad, reminisce, future, frustration, anxiety, doubt, past, piano, lonely, image, nature, speeding, soft, angry, tense, game, rpg, anime, advert, movies, ambient, hometown, shooting, puzzle, combat1:4900:00
retro, pastel, fancy, neon, nostalgic, nostalgy, analog, coffee shop, girls' manga, cafe, city pop, new retro, 80s, 90s, retro game, comical, kirakira(twinkle), noon, cute, revival, soft, fashionable, fantasy, light(sprightly), refreshing, japanese pop, heartwarming, relax, exciting, spring, summer, enjoy, beat, electronica, pop, anime, game, advert, image, pv, youtube, opening, ending, lofi, lo-fi, 70s, morning, everyday life, speeding, cooking1:4900:00
new retro, retro, pastel, fancy, neon, nostalgic, nostalgy, analog, drill, city pop, 80s, 90s, retro game, kirakira(twinkle), star, night, starry sky, cute, soft, fashionable, fantasy, light(sprightly), refreshing, japanese pop, fantastic, heartwarming, relax, exciting, spring, summer, enjoy, pain, beat, winter, electronica, hip-hop, pop, anime, game, advert, image, pv, youtube, opening, ending, lofi, lo-fi, revival, girls' manga, 70s2:4600:00
heartwarming, cute, loop specification, game, retro, new retro, 80s, naive, loop, system, familiarity, picopico, simple, tutorial, wait, road, chiptune, nostalgic, fashionable, refreshing, light(sprightly), comical, everyday life, soft, exciting, relax, enjoy, underwater, fantastic, puzzle, anime, rpg, image, pop, electronica, children, education, advert, autumn, fantasy, summer, nostalgy, synthesizer, spring, synth lead, entry, exit, ending, description3:0700:00