ambient, nature, view, texture, relaxation, ground, documentary, movies, healing, toa, electronica, magnificent, fantastic, refreshing, soft, space, yoga, relax, outdoors, camp, tent, night sky, planetarium, game, image, mountain, river, sea, island, travel, world heritage, synthesizer, strings, vast, great view, the scenery, wood, forest, sun, the earth, star, quiet, gentle, floating, transparency, sensation of coolness, it's cool, fluffy3:5400:00
touching, fantastic, fantasy, magnificent, texture, soft, mystic, relief , relax, relaxation, strings, violin, pop, synthesizer, tender, beautiful, pain, endrol, movies, game, advert, anime, image, cute, gentle, floating, transparency, cleanliness, fluffy, dream, sleep, forest, toa, nature, night, fairy, farewell, fashionable, everyday life, heartwarming, refreshing, profile video, wedding, documentary, cafe, ending, rpg, news, relief3:0500:00
nostalgy, nostalgic, sentimental, jazzy, jazz, lo-fi, beat, piano, anime, movies, game, it's cool, sensation of coolness, outdoor, water, diy, fluffy, hip-hop, pop, underwater, swaying, shake, heartwarming, everyday life, advert, soft, fashionable, image, refreshing, light(sprightly), relax, touching, fantastic, pain, relief , dream, twilight, memories, fantasy, floating, transparency, wedding, cooking, profile video, variety, cafe, tender, summer, holiday3:1400:00
everyday life, cooking, bbq, camp, pleasure, holiday, noon, daytime, park, cute, chillin, carefree, reggae, ska, blur, carefree abandon, acoustic guitar, saxophone, trumpet, pop, heartwarming, relax, soft, comical, light(sprightly), enjoy, exciting, summer, spring, autumn, movies, anime, advert, image, variety, game, rpg, puzzle, break, gentle, i'm happy., happy, unexpected, picnic, nature, yuwawa, really, sunny, acoustic2:2800:00
refreshing, sensation of coolness, it's cool, calm, cool, stylish, smart, hip-hop, sharp, urban, modern, advert, movies, anime, cafe, profile video, image, news, game, synthesizer, synth lead, piano, electronica, jazzy, jazz, summer, everyday life, fashionable, relax, fantastic, pain, soft, blue, light blue, shade, shade of tree, break, relaxation, carefree, chillin, slowly, chilhop, modern style, beat, friendly, tender, adult, twilight3:1900:00
funk, soul, rock, sorrowfully, astringent, adult, electric guitar, organ, cutting, groove, groovy, nori, vigorous, hip-hop, blues, western music, dance, dj, movies, anime, advert, game, image, profile video, drama, broadcast, black music, confront, courage, cool, calm, tv, speeding, everyday life, exciting, fashionable, light(sprightly), pleasant, combat, race, sports, variety, suspense, documentary, 70's, 60's, royal road, fan clock, rpg3:1800:00
horror, dread, anxiety, tense, stress, texture, thrill, zombie, ruins, deserted house, enemy, test of courage, ghost, game, madness, rpg, anime, movies, image, suspense, synthesizer, strings, violin, orchestra, eerie, sad, scary, angry, combat, piri piri, tingling, escape, be chased, monster, confusion, panic, boss, psyc, splatter, midnight, tomb, cemetery, basement room, underground, darkness, cave, castle, dungeon3:4100:00
relief , nostalgic, sentimental, reminisce, cleanliness, sensation of coolness, it's cool, chilhop, refreshing, relax, hip-hop, chill, pop, electric piano, cool, lo-fi, summer, memories, soft, dream, crazy, dreamy, gentle, anime, movies, wedding, cafe, toa, image, rain, reading, piano, electronica, heartwarming, everyday life, fashionable, cute, touching, fantastic, pain, advert, happy, mellow, tender, profile video, game, ending, documentary, rpg, bright3:5000:00
reggae, ska, camp, diy, bbq, cooking, sea, leisure, tent, holiday, park, picnic, walk, outdoors, plain, variety, nature, enjoy, happy, laugh, children, kids, pet, movies, anime, advert, game, image, cafe, saxophone, trumpet, organ, trombone, pop, summer, light(sprightly), heartwarming, everyday life, comical, cute, soft, exciting, speeding, relax, sports, refreshing, sports day2:2600:00
summer, summer vacation, chillin, yuwawa, weakness, chilhop, hip-hop, midsummer, hot, summer resort, memories, escape, movies, anime, advert, image, game, profile video, variety, drama, tv, twilight, broadcast, pain, sluggish, loose, piano, sentimental, synthesizer, synth lead, pop, everyday life, heartwarming, relax, comfortable, feels good, relaxation, refreshing, enjoy, fashionable, cafe, documentary, cooking, sea, drive, bbq, night, tender, exciting3:3500:00
fashionable, cool, speeding, electro, smart, light(sprightly), advert, swing jazz, jazz, flute, variety, image, piano, anime, movies, rpg, game, drama, documentary, suspense, accordion, refreshing, electric, cooking, cafe, profile video, race, sports, news, electronica, exciting, everyday life, fantasy, enjoy, tense, vigorous, nori, run, look for, convert, expansion, double speed, quick turn, speed, fast, groovy, battle, friendly3:1400:00
jazz, electric, cool, fashionable, friendly, bar, adult, image, movies, anime, advert, light(sprightly), everyday life, soft, relax, pain, toa, sake, twilight, sentimental, boyfriend/girlfriend, night view, nostalgy, nostalgic, late at night, date, tender, cafe, club, neon, skyscraper, late night, game, touching, ending, wedding, suspense, cooking, profile video, documentary, news, race, variety, piano, retro, vintage, night, urban3:2000:00
soul, funk, jazz, mellow, fashionable, cool, electric, tight, city, corporate vp, hip-hop, dj, dance, movies, anime, drama, program, tv, radio, image, variety, cooking, youtube, news, race, cafe, twilight, tender, advert, piano, electric guitar, night, pop, relax, jazzy, soft, everyday life, light(sprightly), refreshing, speeding, touching, ending, western music, game, wedding, profile video, pain, intellectual, groove3:2800:00
chilhop, gentle, soft, mellow, melodious, piano, toa, acoustic guitar, pop, acoustic, electronica, heartwarming, everyday life, fashionable, refreshing, touching, fantastic, relax, relaxation, fantasy, ending, anime, advert, documentary, movies, profile video, game, wedding, image, cooking, friendly, moist, apparel, store, in-store, hip-hop, chill out, carefree, cosy, rpg, lo-fi, puzzle, cafe, tender, news, variety, synthesizer, cute, exciting, enjoy3:3400:00
comical, bright, exciting, enjoy, speeding, light(sprightly), pleasant, technopop, electronica, energetic, refreshing, synthesizer, happy, synth lead, drum n bass, variety, anime, movies, game, image, sports, nori, vigorous, cooking, shooting, advert, sports day, rpg, puzzle, blessed, unexpected, noisy, hachamecha, tv, confusion, a fuss, run, speed, double speed, quick turn, children, kids, pet, everyday life, famicom, chiptune, techno, organ, broadcast3:1400:00
relax, friendly, fantastic, refreshing, hip-hop, electronica, relaxation, dramatic, piano, cool, star, night sky, chilhop, melodious, toa, comfortable, mellow, fluffy, ending, soft, sentiment, pain, gentle, endrol, cute, carefree, everyday life, heartwarming, view, exit, fashionable, light(sprightly), nature, enjoy, touching, fantasy, advert, anime, movies, rpg, image, variety, cooking, profile video, wedding, game, news, tender, documentary3:3600:00
jazzy, jazz, hip-hop, hiphop, lo-fi, analog, lofi, cool, calm, alley, yasagure, i was envious, wild, private detective, spy, detective, anime, movies, image, advert, documentary, dandy, trumpet, saxophone, everyday life, fashionable, back alley, light(sprightly), relax, exciting, sports, variety, suspense, game, race, news, rpg, cafe, weird, magical, sake, bar, busy streets, city of night, night, twilight, bad, club3:1400:00
pop, chilhop, electronica, hip-hop, everyday life, toa, cooking, heartwarming, relax, cute, light(sprightly), picnic, refreshing, morning, soft, fashionable, noon, fantasy, diy, fantastic, enjoy, exciting, outdoor, camp, piano, anime, sunny, bbq, holiday, movies, advert, image, variety, cafe, news, game, wedding, rpg, drama, profile video, really, carefree, cosy, slowly, gentle, relaxation, chillin, sleep, animal3:0400:00
funk, fan clock, rock, soul, dance, breakbeats, clavinet, electric guitar, run, hiphop, black music, western music, busy streets, organ, bass, funky, groove, groovy, nori, crisp, vigorous, speed, speeding, creepy, pleasant, everyday life, light(sprightly), comical, image, variety, anime, sports day, movies, advert, documentary, game, drama, action, rpg, club, dj, panic, sports, r&b, disco, america, africa, wild, wilderness3:0100:00
cool, techno, house music, edm, smart, future, space, loop, high speed, car, race, sports, movies, anime, combat, image, variety, synth lead, speeding, escape, gym, synthesizer, battle, energetic, fashionable, tense, muscle training, advert, company, corporate vp, shooting, motivation, guide, introduction, suspense, game, ai, machine, run, look for, last, offender, chase, to hunt down, courageous, new product, courage, motion, news3:4500:00