cute, pop, heartwarming, holiday, park, ending, slowly, soft, enjoy, happy, children, kids, noon, sunny, picnic, pleasure, outdoor, leisure, journey, cosy, camp, pet, fantasy, animal, carefree, energetic, animal crossing wind, dog, cat, forest, nature, electric piano, karimba, xylophone, acoustic, exciting, relax, everyday life, light(sprightly), comical, refreshing, anime, advert, variety, movies, game1:5000:00
japanese style, japanese style electro, pain, cool, serious, confront, courage, japanese drum, dramatic, friendly, shakuhachi, move on, strong, forward, electro, vigorous, wild, fashionable, calm, lonely, inspiration, japan, sentimental, courageous, tender, japanese goods, suspense, rpg, movies, anime, advert, profile video, image, variety, game, sports, documentary, electronica, fantasy, fantastic, tense, speeding, sad, battle, combat, magnificent2:3400:00
fashionable, friendly, chill, memories, chill out, relax, relaxation, short, reminisce, soft, gentle, pop, bright, piano, beautiful, relief , cafe, fantastic, ending, rain, sentimental, wedding, romantic, tender, nostalgy, be nostalgic, heartwarming, nostalgic, cool, touching, chilhop, cosy, old-fashioned, carefree, chillin, slowly, peaceful, cheerfulness, sentiment, movies, anime, advert, documentary, image, news, cooking, hip-hop, everyday life0:3000:00
ambient, toa, relaxation, yoga, texture, healing, beauty, relief , nature, dreamy, dream, ending, good night, sleep, relax, meditation, starry sky, night sky, planetarium, fantasy, beautiful, gorgeous, piano, tender, touching, magnificent, space, mystery, holy, soft, fantastic, profile video, wedding, the earth, night view, view, forest, fluffy, gentle, image, news, advert, movies, rpg, documentary, game3:1200:00
good night, ending, relief , relax, relaxation, heartwarming, soft, fashionable, refreshing, fantastic, touching, fantasy, gentle, bright, beautiful, pop, the end, finish, end, last, endrol, tender, fluffy, carefree, chillin, cosy, yoga, beauty, sleep, morning, fresh, early morning, sunny, feels good, comfortable, advert, cooking, image, wedding, profile video, variety, news, documentary, anime, movies0:3600:00
soft, relief , chill, gentle, piano, ending, good night, the end, end, convert, switching, carefree, relax, jingle, cooking, chillin, slowly, cosy, morning, fresh, bright, heartwarming, everyday life, fashionable, early morning, refreshing, fantasy, getting up, touching, fantastic, pop, sleep, going to bed, electric piano, organ, anime, advert, variety, news, image, documentary, game, profile video, movies, rpg, puzzle, tender0:1400:00
merry, outdoor, camp, bbq, tent, party, walk, park, holiday, noon, warm, bright, enjoy, energetic, pop, drive, happy, children, kids, naughtiness, pleasure, vacation, journey, travel, sea, beach, a vacation, summer vacation, picnic, hiking, outdoors, unexpected, exciting, expectation, variety, ska, reggae, sunny, clear sky, carefree, chillin, heartwarming, everyday life, soft, light(sprightly), comical, cute, relax0:5000:00
light(sprightly), energetic, opening, ending, refreshing, bright, enjoy, exciting, unexpected, happy, cooking, pop, content, variety, crowd, busy, fashionable, soft, heartwarming, everyday life, comical, naughtiness, vigorous, upbeat, cute, groovy, speeding, jazz, speedy, horn, cool, wind instrument, organ, movies, anime, advert, image, news, sports, profile video, game, race, cafe, swing jazz0:5100:00
unexpected, exciting, merry, enjoy, bright, pop, energetic, carefree, holiday, noon, sunny, clear sky, outdoor, tent, cute, camp, everyday life, cooking, park, loose, variety, opening, heartwarming, happy, light(sprightly), ending, pleasure, travel, soft, bbq, sea, anime, vacation, news, a vacation, walk, chillin, ska, reggae, horn, brass, refreshing, comical, organ, trumpet, advert, profile video0:1800:00
to wander, wander around, look for, search, hurry up, busy, panic, to hurry, run, to get lost, speeding, pinch, thrill, very, vigorous, groovy, speedy, tight, energetic, move on, forward, cool, slapstick, clattering, hachamatea, stress, everyday life, light(sprightly), tense, eerie, battle, anime, funk, advert, movies, documentary, horror, variety, image, game, dungeon, shooting, suspense, rpg, electric guitar, afro, soul, rock, drama3:1400:00
japanese style, japan, flute, japanese drum, energetic, refreshing, pop, bright, hope, dream, ornate, gorgeous, speeding, uplifting, forward, growth, evolution, challenge, vigorous, enjoy, happy, smile, opening, anime, everyday life, soft, fashionable, light(sprightly), heartwarming, relax, fantasy, fantastic, exciting, electro, advert, documentary, variety, cooking, news, game, profile video, image, rpg, movies, sports, race2:5900:00
friendly, fashionable, cool, smart, city, urban, jazzy, chill, chill out, relax, bar, sake, alley, back alley, adult, dandy, jazz, night, romantic, apparel, cafe, lo-fi, lonely, dreary, lofi, trumpet, image, mellow, profile video, movies, advert, anime, documentary, hip-hop, soft, light(sprightly), fantastic, organ, electric piano, electric, cooking, twilight, news, pain, everyday life, yasagure, cosy, chillin, variety3:3300:00
pop, cute, animal crossing wind, hot forest style, heartwarming, carefree, relief , relax, soft, gentle, really, fluffy, busumori style, kids, children, game, animal, pet, cosy, loose, fantasy, fairy, sleep, strange, ending, everyday life, light(sprightly), comical, refreshing, fantastic, touching, anime, cooking, variety, advert, movies, image, news, profile video, puzzle, strings, enjoy, exciting, documentary, tender, cafe2:1500:00
corporate vp, cool, refreshing, speeding, future, hope, uplifting, move on, positive, smart, dream, light(sprightly), vigorous, friendly, fashionable, technology, science, sports, race, toa, news, variety, calm, sensation of coolness, it's cool, product, introduction, guide, space, near future, advert, anime, movies, documentary, game, profile video, image, edm, house music, electro, everyday life, speedy, cafe, apparel, city, club, shooting, synthesizer3:1400:00
groovy, variety, energetic, vigorous, speeding, cool, make noise, hachamecha, enjoy, party, opening, edm, light(sprightly), club, powerful, hard, wild, electronic music, vlog, tiktok, magnificent, hachamatea, city, race, sports, high tension, dance, electro, advert, speedy, image, movies, weird, news, game, shooting, combat, entry, documentary, synthesizer, synth lead, trance, house music, fashionable, anime, busy streets, sake, magical, loop, loop processing3:5600:00
ambient, texture, nature, fantastic, mystic, strange, space, soft, gentle, magnificent, relief , tender, relax, relaxation, beauty, yoga, aroma, planetarium, meditation, sleep, beautiful, drowsy, night view, wonder, image, touching, fantasy, healing, documentary, starry sky, star, sky, advert, movies, rpg, game, night, late night, forest, remains, world heritage, vast, spiritual, dream, massage, mountain, synthesizer, piano, ending3:0200:00
company, corporate vp, toa, energetic, bright, refreshing, speeding, speedy, fashionable, groovy, school, guide, introduction, new product, technology, space, future, dream, hope, positive, uplifting, forward, move on, progress, evolution, soft, house music, shooting, electronica, technopop, cooking, electro, everyday life, opening, synthesizer, piano, anime, advert, news, race, variety, image, profile video, cafe, documentary, movies, game, light(sprightly)3:1200:00
nori, hot, energetic, vigorous, run, magnificent, gorgeous, horn, horn section, funk, groovy, good condition, bright, enjoy, rock, funky, cool, slapstick, sports, exciting, trumpet, variety, busy, speeding, move on, dance, wind instrument, panic, look for, high tension, guts, disco, organ, fighting spirit, powerful, victory, win, game (match), anime, western music, advert, movies, sports day, race, everyday life, electric guitar, light(sprightly), soul3:0600:00
speeding, energetic, fight, nori, groovy, vigorous, fast, run, hurry up, warmth, slapstick, busy, excitement, cool, speedy, to increase, look for, full power, to do my best, move on, inspiration, to push forward, rush, hachamecha, variety, hachamatea, light(sprightly), everyday life, exciting, clattering, fighting spirit, funk, cutting, chakichaki, sports day, rock, refreshing, uplifting, forward, high tension, elevation, morale, anime, advert, movies, electric guitar, sports, image, game, race3:1200:00
vlog, fashionable, cool, smart, toa, lo-fi, lofi, friendly, chill, chilhop, relief , relax, soft, mellow, document, documentary, image, retro, nostalgic, romantic, relaxation, hip-hop, gentle, cosy, vintage, cafe, pop, everyday life, refreshing, fantastic, chillin, touching, enjoy, movies, anime, advert, cooking, profile video, variety, news, game, ending, electric piano, heartwarming, fantasy, view, nostalgy3:3100:00